About the Program
In early 2019, Imagine Possibilities Center developed a Social Worker Program to provide mental health services to our participants. Counseling is provided by MSW Graduate Program interns under the supervision of our Licensed Clinical Social Worker, our Program Director, and our Executive Director. Counseling may look different for different participants. Some participants may sit and make art with an intern while discussing the grief they feel from a recent loss. Others may play games and discuss their goals.
Our goal for the program is that participants have multiple resources available to them to help process their feelings, practice coping techniques for stress, and empower themselves to live the highest quality life possible.
For Prospective Graduate Students
If you are interested in applying for an internship at our center, please email the Executive Director, Kevin Burke, at kevin@imaginepossibilities.net.
Read what a MSW student from our pilot program had to say about her experience:
I was fortunate to have the opportunity to do my first-year MSW field placement at Imagine Possibilities. This experience shifted the trajectory of my MSW career and led to my second-year fellowship as a LEND Fellow (Leadership in Neuro-Developmental Disability) at OHSU… In my internship role, I worked alongside another PSU intern to teach skills courses and empowerment groups that fostered self-advocacy and independence with the goal of community access. I also worked one on one with clients supporting them through achieving personal goals and during times of mental health crisis… There is a significant shortage of skilled counselors working at the intersection of mental health supports and developmental disability. It was a life changing experience for me to serve with the participants at Imagine Possibilities and I believe they deserve strong advocates and allies in their efforts to achieve full community inclusion.