
Read some testimonials from parents of Imagine Possibilities participants, to hear in their own words about their experience with the program.

“Tyler has really thrived here at Imagine Possibilities. He is more social, is willing to try some new things. He is learning some gardening on Thursdays. The Staff is wonderful and it’s a positive atmosphere. A Great program to consider for any special needs person. My Son absolutely loves coming here. “

 –Jerry Humes

“When I first visited IP in 2016 the first thing I noticed was that all of the clients were engaged in interactive activities, and no one was watching TV. Each of the staff members at IP knows my son, Andrew, and the activities he likes. The IP site is large enough to accommodate several clusters of activity each of which is supervised and led by at least one staff member. While each client mostly stays in a particular cluster, the clients are allowed to move around the site as they like. It creates a marvelous buzz of active clients orchestrated by the staff and management. All of this happens in the clean well maintained IP facility that includes a sensory garden.

Having visited Andrew at IP and his group home in Hillsboro, last year my wife applied to have her son, Jamie, take the bus to IP from his group home in Milwaukie. Now Jamie and Andrew see each other several times a week, and Jamie calls us to report if Andrew doesn’t show up at IP.

IP has appropriate outings for clients. Our sons get to go to a local coffee shop to enjoy their favorite drinks together.

Beyond entertaining clients, IP supports developing and maintaining client skills in individualized ways. In particular, IP supports Jamie’s standing and walking skills.

We couldn’t be happier that our sons attend IP.”

-Andrew M. Fraser Sr.

“Imagine Possibilities is the most comprehensive day program we have found in our metropolitan area supporting adults with disabilities. Staff are well trained, caring and attentive to the nuanced needs of our two sons attending this program. IP provides a clean, well maintained facility where all are welcome. They provide a variety of daily activities catered to each individual client. We couldn’t be happier that our sons attend this program. I love the sensory garden and the adjoining “test kitchen” where clients get to pick foods from the garden and make goodies to share in the kitchen. It is a favorite place for my son Jamie. Since Jamie has joined his step-brother in this program he has regained his joy of life and silly sense of humor. He is also regaining some of his leg strength as staff integrate walking into his daily routine. Jamie and his step-brother, Andrew, enjoy hanging out with people and especially sharing this time with each other. Thank you IP for making all this happen and all that you provide! My stress level as a “worried mother” has lowered tremendously.”

-Marguerite McClay

“Imagine Possibilities has been an amazing experience for our son. The program has allowed him the freedom and flexibility to make his own choices in activities while also giving him the structure and security that enables him to be successful. We also love the staff and all of the participants are always so happy to be there when we stop by for a visit.

It is truly a wonderful place that we are so grateful to be a part of.”
-Wendy Davis


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